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Opera della Cattedrale or Fabbrica del Duomo are two different ways of describing the same thing: a community at work to build and to take care of the symbol in which the ecclesiastical and civic community is mirrored and around which it prospers.

This magnificent church has been one huge unbroken building site since 1190, involving great artists, master craftsmen and highly skilled artisans working in constant synergy. The Construction Sites at Work have always been places of ceaseless study and work whose superb results continue to inspire awe and amazement in the visitor today.

From the foundation stone was laid all those centuries ago, the First Worker has always been the official directing our daily work and we are determined to maintain that tradition, lavishing our skills and our energy on every construction site in the Cathedral Complex.

Restoring the second stained glass window by Ghirlandaio

Restoring the second stained glass window by Ghirlandaio

Baptistery of San Giovanni Restorating the Baptismal Font

Preparation for surveys with georadar of the pavement and the source

Baptistery of San Giovanni Restorating the Baptismal Font

First tests of disassembly of the bronze works of art

Arcade around the Cathedral dome

Floor in cocciopesto of the arches around the Dome. Conservative maintenance. Treatment with linseed oil applied with a brush until refusal.

Restoration and conservation in the Cathedral

Restoring paintings to tie in with special occasions

Restoring non-moveable assets

Aerial photograph of the Cathedral

Museum. New Cathedral Façade. Inspectors at work.

Museum. New Cathedral Façade. Inspectors at work. Safety and installation of protection nets.

Cathedral. Moving sculptures ahead of the Donatello exhibition.

Transfer of sculptures by Donatello, St. John the Baptist and Bishop Pecci tombstone to the Palazzo Strozzi Foundation for the upcoming exhibition on Donatello.

Cathedral. Restoration of the canvas of the altar of St. Francis de Sales

Cathedral. Restoring the altarpiece from the altar of St. Francis de Sales.

Cleaning the Ciborium, or canopy, of the Baptismal Font.

Our restorers struggling with the cleaning of the Ciborium of the Baptismal Font.

Cathedral, facade. Annual inspection by stone sector staff


Si informano i gentili visitatori che:

  • nei giorni 18-19-20 Febbraio 2025, Sala della Maestà di Duccio, Sala dei Cartoni, Sala Jacopo della Quercia e Sala del Crocifisso, all'interno del Museo dell'Opera, resteranno chiuse al pubblico per motivi tecnici;
  • il giorno 23 Febbraio la Cattedrale chiuderà alle ore 15:30, con ultimo ingresso previsto alle ore 15:00.

Ci scusiamo per il disagio.